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Throughout the Summer and Fall Semester of 2019, we began the ideation phase of our senior design project. The team originally struggled with narrowing down our project from the three original idea being a hemorrhage device, cervical insufficiency device, and an innovative autoclave. The team spent most of the ideation phase figuring out which project to proceed by collaborating with key stakeholders from both the United States and Tanzania and the students from ATC to analyze prior art, design inputs, hazard analysis, and develop key conceptual designs through a functional means analysis and weighted objective analysis.

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The following table includes most of the hazards that could be introduced with our device that we planned mitigate by incorporating the following solutions to minimize the negative response.

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The functional means diagram displays various ways and ideas that all of the functions our cervical insufficiency device needs to fulfill. 

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Two initial design options: 1) probe with an inflatable balloon 2) similar to an eye tonometry test, will expel air at various pressures. These ideas were not implemented in our final design

A timeline of what the team hoped to achieve after the ideation phase was complete at the end of the semester with December being completed at this time.

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